Sunday, 1 July 2012

Blow the Safe

Blow the Safe is supposed to be a strategy game. Having played the game and read several users reviews, I am starting to question this. The idea of the game is similar to the hit TV show, The mllion pound drop with the excepton that there are no questions and you have to use your instinct which in this case means guessing. You start with ten sets of 100000 points and have to place each set in the safe of your choice. One of the fours safes is safe to put money in and the other three have explosives in meaning that they will destroy them points. After each round you will carry the remaining money through with you to the next round and you will then repeat the same process over and over again. The aim is to see how many points you can have after seven rounds and then ths will be your final score. 

Playable On
iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad running iOS 4.3 or later
Download from iTunes Here

Reasons to Download
It is a free app which is always a nice insentive to download it. Also if you are a fan of the Million Pound Drop then that will encourage you to try this game out 

Reasons Not to Download 
Having played one full game, I had already found myself to be beginning to get bored and to find this game nothing but repetitive and the chances of winning, down to luck. The whole look of the game looks very amateur like as if it the first app from the developer. 

I find this game to be very poor and very boring. I find this to be one of the worse games on the app store and I am very disappointed with it. Therefore I am going to give this app one star out of five.

A disappointing app to disappoint fans.

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